Human Sexuality Today (9th Edition) – eBook PDF
Examine how human sexuality impacts college students’ lives today – Human Sexuality Today 9th edition (PDF) helps all students understand the key concepts of the discipline in order to make responsible decisions in their daily lives. Employing a conversational writing style, authors Pamela Regan and Bruce King present relevant information in a non-threatening, clear, and warm manner that leaves students with positive feelings about sex and their own sexuality. The latest 9th Edition has been updated to reflect the latest research and to cover contemporary topics about which our understanding continues to develop, such as paraphilias and the effects of pornography on sex.
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NOTE: This is the eBook of the printed book Human Sexuality Today 9th edition in PDF, and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. You will have permanent access to it.
For courses in Human Sexuality
eBook details
- Authors: Bruce M. King, Pamela Regan
- File Size: 81 MB
- Format: PDF
- Length: 544 pages
- Publisher: Pearson; 9th edition
- Publication Date: March 30, 2018
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0134804465, 0134811755, 0134811879
- ISBN-13: 9780134804460, 9780134811758, 9780134811871