Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF
The definitive guide to steel connection design—fully revised to cover the latest advances
Featuring contributions from a team of industry-recognized experts, this up-to-date resource offers comprehensive coverage of every type of steel connection. The ebook Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details, 3rd edition (PDF) explains leading methods for connecting structural steel components — including state-of-the-art materials and techniques — and contains new information on the fastener and welded joints.
Thoroughly updated to align with the latest AISC and ICC codes, Akbar Tamboli’s Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details, 3e, features new material on important structural engineering topics that are hard to find covered anywhere else. You will get complete details on fastener installation, composite member connections, space truss connections, seismic codes, and inspection and quality control requirements. The ebook also includes LRFD load guidelines and requirements from the American Welding Society.
• Every chapter is written by a leading expert from industry or academia
• Features hundreds of detailed examples, illustrations, and photographs.
• Distills ICC and AISC 2016 standards and explains how they relate to steel connections
NOTE: This sale only includes the Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details 3e in PDF. No codes included.
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