Android How to Program (2nd Global Edition) – eBook PDF
Deitels’ Android How to Program, 2nd Global Edition, (PDF) provides an entertaining and clear App-driven introduction to Android 4.3 development for both beginners- and intermediate-level programming courses. The Deitels‘ App-driven, Live Code Approach is easily the best way to master Android programming! The Deitels teach Android programming through ten complete, working Android Apps. Every chapter offers new concepts through a single App. The expert authors first talk over what the App does, show screenshots, test drive the App, and provide a summary of the architecture and technologies used to build it. Then, the authors walk through building the App, offering complete code, and providing a detailed “Live Code” walkthrough.
As part of the code walkthrough, they debate essential programming concepts and show the functionality of relevant Android 4.3 APIs. Readers will get hands-on experience with a wide spectrum of essential Android APIs. The ebook also has a general introduction to programming using the Java language, making this ebook appropriate for Java courses that want to add an App-programming flavor.
Learning and Teaching Experience
This ebook Android How to Program 2nd Global Edition will provide better learning and teaching experience — for both you and your programming students.
- Add an App Component to your Java Course: An extensive, optional introduction to programming using the Java language makes this ebook appropriate for Java courses.
- Motivate Students with an App-driven, Live Code Approach to Android 4.3 Development: Concepts are presented in the context of 10 complete working Android Apps, complete with syntax coloring, code walkthroughs, and sample outputs.
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NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Android How to Program, 2e (global) in PDF. No access codes are included.
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