Tag: 978-0444538680|9780444538680|EBook|Ecology|Loic F. J. Legendre|Non Fiction|P. Legendre|Textbook

Numerical Ecology (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF

Numerical Ecology (3rd Edition) – PDF

Numerical Ecology (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF The PDF ebook Numerical Ecology 3rd Edition describes and discusses the numerical methods which are successfully being used for analysing ecological data, using a comprehensive and clear approach. These methods are derived from the fields of parametric and nonparametric statistics, mathematical physics, information theory, archaeology, psychometry, numerical taxonomy, sociometry, econometry and others. An updated, 3rd edition of the most widely cited ebook on quantitative analysis of multivariate ecological data Relates ecological questions to methods of statistical analysis, with a clear description of complex numerical methods All calculations are available in R language functions...

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Numerical Ecology (3rd Edition) – PDF

Numerical Ecology (3rd Edition) – PDF

Numerical Ecology (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF The PDF ebook Numerical Ecology 3rd Edition describes and discusses the numerical methods which are successfully being used for analysing ecological data, using a comprehensive and clear approach. These methods are derived from the fields of parametric and nonparametric statistics, mathematical physics, information theory, archaeology, psychometry, numerical taxonomy, sociometry, econometry and others. An updated, 3rd edition of the most widely cited ebook on quantitative analysis of multivariate ecological data Relates ecological questions to methods of statistical analysis, with a clear description of complex numerical methods All calculations are available in R language functions...

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