Tag: 978-1522522553|9781522522553|Encyclopedia|Info|Information|Information Science|Mehdi Khosrow-Pour|Tech|Technology

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition (10 Volumes)

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition (10 Volumes)

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition (10 Volumes) PDF: Author(s) Mehdi Khosrow-Pour The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th edition is a 10-volume set (1 large PDF file) which includes 705 original and previously unpublished research articles covering a full range of applications, perspectives, and techniques contributed by thousands of researchers and experts from around the world. This authoritative encyclopedia is a well-established, an all-encompassing, reference source that is ideally designed to disseminate the most forward-thinking and diverse research findings. With critical perspectives on the impact of information science management and new technologies in modern settings, including but not...

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